Timelines of Nearly Everything (2025)

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Past, Present and Future of History.

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Past, present and future of history The content of the article is that if humanity doesn't learn from history it is doomed to repeat it. History, therefore, can teach mankind a few lessons in regard to what happened in the past that resulted from human decisions and actions. History is not only interesting for the sake of being knowledgeable, but especially to understand why and how it all came to pass; what the causes, reasons and consequences were of world shocking events. For modern man the most critical dates are those of World War One (WW I) and WW II. WW I has been termed the " arch catastrophe " , because it almost directly gave rise to WW II. During the intermediate period the nations that had been involved in the war failed to adjust and conceive of appropriate policies for a completely changed world. Consequently, the Second World War resulted from the disorder. The present article stresses that 1945 did not only end WW II, but this date means a great deal more because it was the turning point in world history with unforeseeable consequences. It had a fundamental impact on the second half of the 20 th century and the development of the world up to date. The year 1945 signified a farewell to past history. Historians in particular are duty-bound to relate exactly what had happened to make sure that the totalitarian experiences of the 20 th century are never forgotten. They have had to convey the story that liberal democracies, for the first time in history, have broken the vicious circle of the mutual threat of war and establishing on a mutual basis supranational systems that serve to protect and realize human rights. However, unprecedented changes have been caused mainly by developments of science and technology in almost every field of human endeavour. It will depend on how humanity is going to deal with them. Only history can tell what kind of future awaits humanity. Past, present and future of history

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A small Java applet, running at a hundred frames per second, has been continually rendering all possible combinations of black and white cells within a 32 by 32 pixel grid since January 27, 1997. Inspired by the dimension and format of Susan Kare’s now-ubiquitous Macintosh icons, John Simon Jr.’s Every Icon (1997) attempts to exhaust the potential of this tiny, two-tone canvas one square at a time. After flickering faster than the eye could see for what seemed an eternity, the first cell of the second row turned black on June 8, 1998, well over a year after being launched. Simon’s software will take more than 5.85 billion years to reach the third line—sometime in a future beyond the death of the sun. Instead of enumerating every element of a 32 by 32 grid, Every Icon Editor (2014) is an interactive Java applet that projects the date of any icon drawn by Simon's applet. Although we can speculate on the nature of digital inscription, the microtemporal speed and recombinatorial potential of electronic literature escape the register of human experience and trouble the very concept of time. A modest piece of software with profound philosophical ramifications, Every Icon Editor proves that we can never know the durational quality of digital media, even as these media increasingly constitute our experience.

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Cambridge University Press, 2023 [Preview] Free access until 28 August 2023 at the CUP website: https://www.cambridge.org/core/elements/fabric-of-historical-time/8A0BFF220A5C4F280CB62E34DE40A8C9 Historical time is a notoriously elusive notion. Yet, as societies attempt to make sense of rapidly changing worlds, it gains a new significance in the twenty-first century. This Element sketches a theory of historical time as based on a distinction between temporality and historicity. It approaches the fabric of historical time as varying relational arrangements and interactions of multiple temporalities and historicities. In the fabric, kinds of temporalities and historicities emerge, come to being, fade out, transform, cease to exist, merge, coexist, overlap, arrange and rearrange in constellations, and clash and conflict in a dynamic without a predetermined plot. The Element pays special attention to the more-than-human temporalities of the Anthropocene, the technology-fueled historicities of runaway changes, and the conflicts in the fabric of historical time at the intersections of technological, ecological, and social change.

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A Brief History of Time

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Information about reprints can be found online at: Reprints: document. Permissions and Rights Question and Answer process is available in the Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office.Strokein Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally publishedPermissions: by guest on March 6,

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History and the Temporal Turn: Returning to Causes, Effects and Diachronic Trends 1

Penelope J Corfield

This essay welcomes the current return to long-term history, known as the Temporal Turn. Various implications follow. Historical periodisation is being reconsidered, to jettison outdated and rigid divisions. And attention is rightly returning to long-term causes, effects, and trends - not forgetting deep continuities. (To repeat) my own term for the interlinking dimensions of continuity (persistence), gradual change (evolution) and rapid transformation (turbulence) is historical trialectics.

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Timelines of Nearly Everything (2025)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.